Friday, April 12, 2013

Urban farm rising.....

I have begun to see signs of fresh produce coming in from Ken Campbell over in Saranac! This is a nice contrast to the 1/2 inch of ice that I had to scrape off the car windshield this morning, and helps me to realize that summer is right around the corner. This time of year makes me take account of the progress that we have made, and the melting snow reveals that there is much work to be done before we are ready for our high season. Peter and Susan will soon be out front, toiling in the soil and bringing the flower beds back to life. Community gardens in Saranac Lake will be bustling with activity, as growers prepare beds for the summer season.
As I take stock of the projects that I want to tackle, the one project that has eluded us so far, has been our Fork Too Farm. You might recall that our goal is to provide our urban neighbors with a community garden space that they can use to grow fresh herbs, flowers and vegetables for themselves, and maybe a bit for the restaurant. The thing that is preventing this from becoming a reality is the presence of too many shade trees. All of our trees are overgrown, and need to be removed so that we can realize the urban farm dream for our friends and neighbors. Once the trees are removed, we will replant some fruit and flowering trees that can be pruned to allow for more sunlight on the gardens raised beds. This is where you come in. If anyone knows of a tree climber/cutter who would be willing to do this work as a community supported project, please send them my way. If we can just get the trees down, we can get volunteers to cut up and stack/ remove the wood. I think that there are plenty of our neighbors who would like to have access to some free firewood. And we would see that it goes to those most in need, at no cost.
Once the trees are removed, we will offer the space to the community free of charge for garden use. Let's make this the year that Fork Too Farm rises! Thank you for your continued support Saranac Lake. It is our pleasure, as always to do our part to make this village a great place to call home...

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